All items previously available at FishEZ have now been moved to our full e-commerce site at the following location:

Live Foods are still available and more items have been added:

Best food for newly hatched fry is Paramecia. Easy to culture and a great way to see stupendous results. Just read what some of our customers have said:

"I just wanted to let you know that the culture arrived a few days after Christmas. I now have 2 small cultures running perfectly. Thank you very much 🙂 ... My fish are doing the best they have ever done! I have close to 100 Celestial Pearl Danio fry in varying stages of growth." -- Evan (NSW, Australia)

I did get my culture and have started another batch which is really producing. Just in time for my baby CPD’s. Also using an egg trap very similar to Blake’s and have lots of new babies. Hope all is well and thank you again. Still loving your YouTube Chanel of all the ones I watch I really do like your information and content. -- Steven (Lansing MI, USA)

"I'm seeing a big improvement in the Neon fry survival rate using the paramecium. Have also started breeding the CPD's and pretty much am having a 100% survival. -- Pete's Fish (Calgary, Canada)